Scientific Communications – national conferences

K. Bouchaâla, M. Faqir, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi, H. Chouyakh, M. Mada; “Analysis of earring in cylindrical deep-drawing of Aluminum alloys sheet metals, 1st LERMA seminar day”, 1st July, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.

K. Bouchaâla, M. Faqir, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi, H. Chouyakh, M. Mada; “Effect of blank holder force on wrinkling prediction during deep drawing process for AA2090 AL- Li alloy”, 1st LERMA seminar day, 1st July, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, H. Chouyakh, M. Mada, E. Essadiqi; “Modelling of formability analysis of AA2198 Al-Li alloy at three different friction areas”, 1st LERMA seminar day, 1st July, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.

A. Saouab, H. Chouyakh, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi, M. Faqir; “Impact localization using lamb waves”; 1st LERMA seminar day, 1st July, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.

K. Qaissi, O. A. Elsayed1, M. Faqir, E. Essadiqi, M. F. Ghanameh; “Numerical Investigation of the Vortex Trapping Cavity Effects on an aerodynamic property of a wind turbine airfoil ”; 1st LERMA seminar day, 1st July, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi, M. Faqir, M. Mada, H. Chouyakh; “finite element simulation of Ears prediction”, Research & Innovation Meeting, December 18th, 2018, International University of Rabat.

K. Bouchaâla, E. Essadiqi, M. Mada, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, M. Meziane, “Modeling of anisotropy influence on thickness distribution of deep drawing sheet”, Research & Innovation Meeting, December 18th, 2018, International University of Rabat.

Jamal Alabbass, M. F. Ghanameh, “Scientific Research in Damascus University – Analysis of Current Situation and Future Perspective”, Forum of the role of privet sector in the scientific research investment, 7 May 2015, Damascus, Syrie.

Jamal Alabbass, M. F. Ghanameh, “Role of Damascus university in Syrie Reconstruction”, Forum National of the Role of Research and Scientific Institutions in Syrie Reconstruction, 23-24 November 2014, Damascus, Syrie.

M. F. Ghanameh, “Evaluation and Accreditation of Scientific Journals and Journals Selection Criteria to Publish Research Results”, Forum of Scientific Publications, 30 Mars – 6 April 2014, Damascus, Syrie.

M. F. Ghanameh, “Research Design”, Capacity Building in Research Methods : Summer School, 12-19 May 2013, Damascus, Syrie.

M. F. Ghanameh, “Methods of collecting data”, Capacity Building in Research Methods : Summer School, 12-19 May 2013, Damascus, Syrie.

M. F. Ghanameh, I. Fattash, M. Homsi, “Finite Elements Method in Engineering Education”, Workshop of Finite Elements Method in Engineering Applications, 3-4 November 2010, Damascus university, Damascus, Syrie.

M. F. Ghanameh, “NDT Modelling”, Workshop of NDT and its Applications in Syrian Industry, 3-5 Julie 2009, Damascus university, Damascus, Syrie.

M Shehadeh, M. F. Ghanameh, “NDT In Syria – Analysis of Actual situation and future perspective”, Workshop of NDT and its Applications in Syrian Industry, 3-5 Julie 2009, Damascus university, Damascus, Syrie.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, M. Mliha Touati & A. Zeghloul, “Concentration de contraintes dans les jonctions tubulaires soudées de plates-formes offshore soumises à des chargements combinés « Jonction T, Y, X, DT et DY »”, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes, France, septembre 2005.

M. Taraf, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Mliha Touati, O. Oussouaddi, A. Zeghloul, “Influence de surcharge et d’amas de défauts sur l’endommagement par fatigue de contact de roulement dans une roue de locomotive”, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes, France, septembre 2005.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Concentration de contraintes dans les jonctions tubulaires de type T, Y et K”, 16ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nice, France, 1-5 septembre 2003.