Scientific Communications – international conferences

A. Shanwan, M. F. Ghanameh, A. Biju, G. Hivet; “Experimental study of woven fabrics forming defects”, International ESAFORM Conference 2023; 19-21 April 2023; Kraków; Poland.

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, M. Mada, E. Essadiqi; “Evaluation of the effect of contact and friction on deep drawing formability analysis for lightweight aluminum lithium alloy using cylindrical cup”, 12th International Conference, Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, INTER-ENG 2019, October 3th – 5th 2019, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Tîrgu Mureș, Tîrgu Mureș, Romania.

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, M. Mada, E. Essadiqi; “Prediction of the impact of friction’s coefficient in cylindrical deep drawing for AA2090 Al-Li alloy using FEM and Taguchi approach”; International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies, IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering (BulTrans-2019);10th -12th September 2019; Sozopol; Bulgaria.

K. Qaissi, O. A. Elsayed1, M. Faqir, E. Essadiqi, M. F. Ghanameh; “Effect of a vortex trapping cavity (VTC) on aerodynamic properties of a thick wind turbine airfoil”; International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies, IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering (BulTrans- 2019); 10th -12th September 2019; Sozopol; Bulgaria.

M. Meziane, M. Faqir, E. Essadiqi, M. F. Ghanameh; “ Numerical investigation of hybrid Darrieus-Savonius wind turbine performance”; International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development AI2SD’2019, 08-11 July 2019, Marrakech, Morocco

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, M. Mada, E. Essadiqi; “ Investigation of Contact Impact in deep drawing for AA2198 Al- Li sheet using ABAQUS/Explicit”; International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development AI2SD’2019, 08-11 July 2019, Marrakech, Morocco

K. Bouchaâla, Ismail Driouch, M. Faqir, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi; “ Numerical prediction of thickness influence on the aircraft wing design”; International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development AI2SD 2019, 08-11 July 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.

324 K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, E. Essadiqi, H. Chouyakh, M. Mada, “Friction Behaviour of Aluminium-Lithium Sheet Thought Deep Drawing Analysis”, The 2nd International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies (ICCSRE), (pp. 1-5), IEEE, 22-24 July 2019; Agadir; Morocco.

H. Chouyakh, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi, M. Faqir, “Lamb wave based crack localization in plates using difference in time of arrival procedure”,14ème Congrès de Mécanique, 16-19 April, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, H. Chouyakh, M. Mada, E. Essadiqi, “Wrinkling defect prediction and formability improvement in cylindrical deep drawing of Al-Li alloy using FEM”,14ème Congrès de Mécanique, 16-19 April, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi, M. Faqir, H. Chouyakh, M. Mada, “Numerical simulation studies of AA2090 for deep drawing at various yield criteria”, 3ème édition de la Conférence Internationale Journées Scientifiques en Sciences Appliquées, JSSA’19, 15-16 February 2019, Larache, Morocco.

K. Bouchaâla, M. F. Ghanameh, E. Essadiqi, M. Faqir, M. Meziane, M. Mada, “Modelling of anisotropy influence on thickness distribution of deep drawing sheet” International Conference on Advanced Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (AMEE2018) Beijing, China | December 26-28, ACM, 2018, Pages 142-146.

K. Bouchaâla, E. Essadiqi, M. Mada, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Faqir, M. Meziane; “Prediction of earing in cylindrical deep drawing of aluminum alloys using finite element analysis”. International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI), 12-13 July 2018, Rabat, Morocco.

H. Assila, E. Essadiqi, M. Faqir, M. Meziane, M. F. Ghanameh, S. Ahzi, “Numerical simulation of photovoltaic panel thermal condition under wind convection”, Proceedings of 2016 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, (IRSEC), (pp. 653- 658), 2016, IEEE.

R. Kabbanie, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Dawood, “Validation of 2D Deformable Numerical Model Used in Behaviour’s Simulation of Laminated Glass Panels Subjected to Bending Loads and Effects of Some Geometrical Parameters”, 2nd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications (IEC2016), February 20-21, 2016, Ishik University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq.

M. F. Ghanameh, R. RAZZOUK, “Scientific Research in Damascus University – Analysis of Current Situation and Future Perspective”, the role of privet sector in the scientific research investment Forum, 21-22 November 2011. Amman, Jordan

M. F. Ghanameh, “Investment in Academic Researches as Society Topic”, training workshop in investment in academic researches and its role in developing society, ISESCO, 24-26 October 2011, Sharjah, EAU.

M. F. Ghanameh, “Follow the Academic Researches of the Technical and Scientific Development”, training workshop in investment in academic researches and its role in developing society, ISESCO, 24-26 October 2011, Sharjah, EAU.

M. F. Ghanameh, “How to Put the Research Results in Helping the Society According to its Needs”, training workshop in investment in academic researches and its role in developing society, ISESCO, 24-26 October 2011, Sharjah, EAU.

M. F. Ghanameh, “Use Strain Gages to Measure the Stress effect on Mechanical Structures”, Second Arabic conference for metrology, 4-5 November 2009, Arabic association for metrology, Damascus, Syrie.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Etude numérique et expérimentale des jonctions tubulaires soudées de type T soumises à des sollicitations complexes”, CIFMA2007, Alep, Syrie, 14 – 16 may 2007.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Finite element investigation of unreinforced welded tubular joints”, Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 24 June – 2 July 2006.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Evaluation of stress concentration for planar tubular joints”, 5th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology (IFAMST), Xiangtan, China, 11-17 June 2006.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Stress concentration analyses of offshore welded tubular joints subjected to combined loading”, 9th International Fatigue Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 14 – 19 may 2006.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Influence de la géométrie et des chargements sur la concentration des contraintes dans les jonctions tubulaires des plate- formes offshore”, CIFMA2006, Alep, Syrie, 2 – 4 may 2006.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “New presentation method to evaluate the stress concentration in offshore welded tubular joints « based on finite element analyses »”, International conference in fatigue design 2005, Senlis, France, 16-18 November 2005.

M. Taraf, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Mliha Touati, O. Oussouaddi, A. Zeghloul, “Numerical simulation of material sub-surface defects in rolling contact fatigue”, World Tribology Congress III, Washington, USA, 12-16 September 2005.

M. F. Ghanameh, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Effects of joint configuration and loading type on stress concentration in offshore welded tubular joints”, Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 28 June – 5 July 2005.

M. Taraf, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Mliha Touati, O. Oussouaddi, A. Zeghloul, “influence de la géométrie de défaut sur la fatigue de contact de roulement dans une roue de locomotive”, Journées Francophones de Tribologie, Tarbes, France, 11- 13 mai 2005.

M. Taraf, A. Zeghloul, M. F. Ghanameh, M. Mliha Touati, O. Oussouaddi, “Influence d’amas de défauts sur l’endommagement par fatigue de contact de roulement dans une roue de locomotive”, 7ème Congrès de Mécanique, du 19-22 Avril 2005, Casablanca.

M. F. GHANAMEH, D. Thevenet, A. Zeghloul, “Stress concentration in offshore welded tubular joints subjected to combined loading”, 4th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology (IFAMST), Troyes, France, 4-7 July 2004.