Professional Experience

  1. Developing new techniques in testing mechanical structures for:
  • Stress analysis of welded tubular joints.
  • Mechanical properties of metallic materials.
  • Mechanical properties of polymers.
  • Impacts analysis of laminated glass (Falling Ball Impact Test, Pendulum Test).
  • Corrosion analysis in pipeline (Weight Loss Method).
  • generating and craterisation of woven fabric defects
  • Non-destructive testing (Automated Remote Visual Inspection). Digitizing Ultrasonic Testing, Defect Detecting by Thermography).
  1. Qualification of some company performance to get ISO 9001 & ISO 17025.
  2. Numerical studies to evaluate and developing mechanicals components uses in industrial machines and structures.
  3. Mechanical and Non-destructive testing of mechanicals parts and structures uses in industrial machines and structures